Floral Program



Community Green Landscape Group has the expertise to design, install, and maintain flower beds, ensuring that your outdoor space is adorned with vibrant, eye-catching blooms. We carefully select the right flower varieties that complement your business aesthetic and environment, considering factors such as color schemes, sun exposure, or soil conditions.


Our goal is to enhance the appearance of your property with a wide range of comprehensive services for all-seasons, commercial grounds management.

Landscape Upgrading

A visually appealing and well-maintained landscape can contribute to tenant satisfaction and retention. All types of tenants appreciate having access to a pleasant outdoor space where they can relax, socialize, or enjoy recreational activities. It enhances their overall experience and fosters a sense of pride in their community.

Making Your Landscape Look and Smell Beautiful: 

Year-Round Floral Maintenance

Bed Soil Preparation

Beds where seasonal color flower displays are to be planted will be cultivated by rototilling fertilizer and soil conditioners into the planting beds.

Early Spring Pansies – March

Spring flowering pansies will be installed in late March.

Summer Annuals – May

Summer annual flowers will be installed early to late May (weather dependent).

Fall Displays – October

Fall flower color displays may contain chrysanthemums, fall pansies, decorative cabbage and/or kale. Fall displays are installed mid-September to early October.

Perennial Maintenance

Where appropriate, perennial flowers will receive a mid-season deadheading to keep the plants looking neat and provide the opportunity for the plant to rebloom.

Annual Flower Maintenance

This service includes regularly timed services to apply water, fertilizer, and insect control (if required) to the flowers. Flowers will be “pinched” or cut back as necessary.

Flower Removal

Annual flowers are removed in the fall after they no longer provide an enhancement to the property or after the first killing frost.

Serving Customers in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, North Carolina, and South Carolina.

Our designers will complete a comprehensive assessment with a tangible plan that brings your vision to reality.  When you work with Community Green Landscape Group, you know that you have a partner that can deliver and lives up to your expectations.

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